Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Pink, Green & Purple

As usual, when I take pictures for the shop, I take a few for myself and this week, to my surprise, the most popular was Piper!

I've been thinking I needed to get some plain backgrounds to show the clothes off properly and it really did the trick...

I just adore pink and green together, although Piper doesn't seem to be a big fan...

The green sofa and purple background also worked so well together!

All dresses shown available on my Etsy shop: 

Thanks for looking!

Miss M x

p.s. don't forget about the competition, only 4 days left to enter!!

Monday, 26 March 2012

Nose notch...

The other day, I was dressing my girls up and was horrified to find that Avelyn has a massive notch in her nose...

I'm still unsure of what to do about it. Having done her blush already I'm not sure entirely of how to fix it. I was thinking about getting her a complete custom face-up by Poison Girl on Flickr. I've been following her on Flickr since I started collecting Pullips over a year ago. I would love a custom face-up by her and I think her costs are reasonable for how beautiful her customs are... I have never been a fan of Mir's eyebrows but... I did a shoot for the shop today and the notch is barely visible in the photos and she is sooooo beautiful...

What do you think I should do?

Oooh, also, dress shown is available here on my Etsy shop!

Thanks for looking!!

Miss M x

p.s. don't forget about the competition, only 6 days left to enter!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

New Hats....

I was wondering around on good fiancee duty in H&M with Mr T, waiting for him to try stuff on when I just happened to wander past the sale items when I spotted two fancinators that caught my eye... why are you telling us this you may be wondering!?!?

Well, I didn't want them for me... they were two small straw hats, just about the right size for Pullips! Typical me... I buy more for the girls than I do myself! Oh well, it makes me happy!

They are a little big for Pullip heads but work perfectly for those Pullips with especially big hair, like Myste!

Thanks for looking!

Miss M x

p.s. don't forget about the competition, only 1 week left to enter!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Spring & Summer Dresses

I've found that I can check the shops statistics on Etsy and I'm wondering whether the weekly upload is as good as uploading LOADS of items onto Etsy at once!? I found out I had nearly 400 views of my shop on just one day!

I guess I'll have to wait a few weeks to find out... I'm also wondering about what items I should be making and I've got a few more ideas for the next few weeks... I'm gonna be at my drawing board on monday making up some new patterns... hee hee!

Anyway, enough of my thoughts, here are the new items for this week!

Pink Floral Ruffle Dress

Pink Floral Strapless Dress

White & Blue Floral Lolita
Inspired Strapless Dress

Red Multi Strapless Dress

Lemon Yellow Strapless Dress

Cross Over Maxi Dress

Pink Strappy Dress

Check out the shop for more items:

Thanks for looking!

Miss M x

p.s. don't forget about the competition, just over a week left to enter!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Myste's New Flexibility

My first Pullip is a Peter Pan doll called Myste and has been much unloved, being the least photographed. I did try taking some pictures of her recently after realising she was going un-photographed but it just didn't work for me. I realise that I have gotten very used to obitsu's. The flexibility and emotions that you can capture just with poses. 

I had already done some research into an obitsu for her. The reason she hasn't been re-bodied sooner is that Peter Pan is a tanned doll, but after looking on Flickr (such a good resource) I found someone who had rebodied onto a fleshtone body. It wasn't a perfect match but I figured its better than having a doll that's unloved.

Due to Myste's bio (A Trio of Nutters - Extended Bios) I wanted her to be shorter so I decided to order her a 25cm Fleshtone Obitsu. Its not a perfect colour match but I absolutely adore her new flexibility. I am totally falling in love with her all over again.

I also love the 25cm Obitsu, it is a bit more floppy than the 27cm but its very cute and its nice to have a difference in height! I'm hoping to do some body comparison shots at some point!

You can really see the colour difference here...

Thanks for looking!!

Miss M x

p.s. don't forget about the competition...

Friday, 16 March 2012

Piper and her broken foot...

I've had piper for over a month and she has hardly had any attention photography wise. 

I was very disappointed when I picked her up about a week ago her right foot was missing!!!! I looked for it but couldn't find it anywhere!! It eventually turned up downstairs in the study, although, I cannot work out how on earth it got there! I never take the girls in there?!!!? Strange!  

This might also have something to do with her stock body, I really adore the head tilt on obitsu's, so I took the plunge and ordered her a 21cm SBH-S. I'm really looking forward to it arriving and I may also have ordered a couple of extra things from the Foxi Shop. I really shouldn't order from there but the obitsu's are cheap and she has lots of lovely accessories to buy... its a little dangerous!!! 
Anyway, I took a couple of shots and hope to take more when her new body arrives!!!!!

Thanks for looking!!!

Miss M x

p.s. don't forget about the competition!!!